Thursday, October 13, 2016

Module 1 in Review

Hi I just wanted to give a little summary about my experience in module 1! Thank you for being such great instructors and organizing everything for us! It was exciting to get the chance to work with the relatively new CometChip technology in this first module doing experiments with unknown results and having some say in the protocol was a new experience that helped me engage in the material and research process further. In writing the Data Summary it was fascinating watching how all the different days/experiments linked together and built upon each other to culminate in the final research into variability of Corielle cell repair.  Conducting research into real-world applications that could improve lives has gotten me really excited about the rest of my future in Course 20. Writing the data summary was a good way to get an introduction into scientific writing and having it be a partner project was valuable in exchanging knowledge and was helpful in that we could teach each other different things and work together to gain further insight into the research. I had a hard time with formatting and just trying to organize my thoughts and convey them in a formal sense that was clear and concise- the BE communication lab was very helpful with these issues and they were a great resource that I plan on using for the rest of  this semester and probably the rest of my MIT career. Overall I thought Module 1 was very well organized and flowed in a way that really maximized learning and hands-on work.  I'm excited for the rest of the class! :) 

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