Aria and I met during our FPOP (#DMSE4lyfe except obviously that didn't work) when we both thought that we wanted to be course 3 because we liked biomaterials. Unsurprisingly, I spoke to literally 0 people during the entirety of the program. The first time Aria and I interacted was on the last day when I walked into the bathroom to see someone crawling out from under the stall door, looking exactly like this:

supersized for your viewing pleasure
Needless to say, it was a very impactful first encounter. I'm still unsure of how we ended up even talking to each other in the end, but we actually ended up living in the same living group for 2 entire years. That's so many years. Obviously, those who have read Aria's blog post will understand that we knew what we were getting into when we chose to be lab partners. But at least it worked out in the end? I definitely would not have been able to express my constant inner angst and turmoil regarding the many, many assignments we had to do (and also maybe still my understanding of the material) if I didn't know my lab partner as well as I know Aria. Also I'm sure other people would not have been able to put up with my intense procrastination and flaky tendencies so clearly I got the better end of the deal in this unequal partnership.
But yes. I think 20.109 ranks as my favorite class out of all of the classes I have taken at MIT. The material covered was super diverse and (mostly) interesting and as everyone mentioned before me, the teaching staff was A++ 10/10. Although I felt like I was drowning in a sea of assignments and homework for basically half of the semester, in the end I think I appreciate having the homework assignments because they really did make it easier to write the culminating reports at the end of each module. Thanks everyone for a fantastic semester and see you all in 330/309/380!!

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