Our friend the creative sketchbook.
That's a lie. I'm very not creative. Being original is really hard which is why this research proposal was really scary. Cue more stress sleeping ahahaha I am constantly functioning at 120% yep no stress sadness here.
Aria made me brave the wind tunnel for the first time in half a year so I could make the trek to Next House, where we proceeded to roll around on couches and in multiple people's rooms talking about ~scary bio things~ (everyone we saw there was course 6 so when words like "antibody" and "cross-reactivity" started being thrown around, people just stared at us). We were considering really weird things like super-targeted liposuction using gold nanoparticles (which already exists, fun fact) and 3D printing organs. I didn't leave Next House until literally 2AM.

Preparing for the research presentation was interesting to say the least. I don't think I've practiced a presentation that much (or ever really??, maybe, I think) or spent that much time making a schematic on Microsoft Paint. After making so many

sorry i just really wanted to use this gif
versions of the slides and reading way too many papers about a fungal infection that Aria's mom told us about, I was just really sick of the word histoplasmosis. Also I'm still not 100% sure that I understand how ELISAs work. I think I do. I hope I sounded like I did. Who really understands all of science though, right?

We also wanted to match on presentation day (all black everything) but then I realized I hadn't done laundry in ever so I was out. of. black. clothes. So obviously, the next best thing was to dress like Noreen and Leslie. I wish I had pictures but they're on someone else's phone :( Hopefully it was cute and not really creepy. But yes, the presentation happened and I'm pretty proud of how it turned out, especially considering how much work was put into it. Yaaaayyyyyy science!
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